Trirong Font

by Cadson Demak
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Trirong means “tricolor flag” in Thai, and represents the flag of Thailand. A serif Latin and looped Thai typeface, it is characterized by thick and thin strokes, and its narrow and tall structure echoes that of traditional Thai typefaces. It saves space while preserving readability and legibility with its oval-shape looped terminal. This looped Thai and Transitional serif Latin works well in formal contexts.

The similarity between some glyphs such as ก ถ ภ ฤ ฦ, and ฎ and ฏ is something to take into consideration because it might lead to confusion when typesetting very short texts. Trirong takes a specific approach in how it deals with the thick and thin strokes in Thai glyphs. Other type designers of Thai fonts may like to use this approach as a reference. Formal looped Thai typefaces have delicate details, so it is important for type designers to take care when extending them into heavy weights and avoid obscuring important details. The sizes and positions of vowels and tone marks need to be managed carefully too, because they are all relevant to readability, legibility, and overall texture.

The Trirong project is led by Cadson Demak, a type foundry in Thailand. To contribute, see


SIL Open Font License - OFL (Free for Commercial Use)

Uploaded on

07 April, 2018

18 font files

Trirong Black style Trirong Black | OpenType | Trirong-Black.otf
Trirong Black Italic style Trirong Black Italic | OpenType | Trirong-BlackItalic.otf
Trirong Bold style Trirong Bold | OpenType | Trirong-Bold.otf
Trirong Bold Italic style Trirong Bold Italic | OpenType | Trirong-BoldItalic.otf
Trirong DemiBold style Trirong DemiBold | OpenType | Trirong-DemiBold.otf
Trirong DemiBold Italic style Trirong DemiBold Italic | OpenType | Trirong-DemiBoldItalic.otf
Trirong ExtraBold style Trirong ExtraBold | OpenType | Trirong-ExtraBold.otf
Trirong ExtraBold Italic style Trirong ExtraBold Italic | OpenType | Trirong-ExtraBoldItalic.otf
Trirong ExtraLight style Trirong ExtraLight | OpenType | Trirong-ExtraLight.otf
Trirong ExtraLight Italic style Trirong ExtraLight Italic | OpenType | Trirong-ExtraLightItalic.otf
Trirong Italic style Trirong Italic | OpenType | Trirong-Italic.otf
Trirong Light style Trirong Light | OpenType | Trirong-Light.otf
Trirong Light Italic style Trirong Light Italic | OpenType | Trirong-LightItalic.otf
Trirong Medium style Trirong Medium | OpenType | Trirong-Medium.otf
Trirong Medium Italic style Trirong Medium Italic | OpenType | Trirong-MediumItalic.otf
Trirong style Trirong | OpenType | Trirong-Regular.otf
Trirong Thin style Trirong Thin | OpenType | Trirong-Thin.otf
Trirong Thin Italic style Trirong Thin Italic | OpenType | Trirong-ThinItalic.otf

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