Spectral Font

by Production Type
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Spectral is a new and versatile serif face available in seven weights of roman and italic, with small caps. Spectral offers an efficient, beautiful design that’s intended primarily for text-rich, screen-first environments and long-form reading.

Brought to you by Production Type and commissioned by Google Fonts, Spectral is now free to use across Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, or in any of your projects. To contribute, see github.com/productiontype/spectral


SIL Open Font License - OFL (Free for Commercial Use)

Uploaded on

10 April, 2018

14 font files

Spectral ExtraLight style Spectral ExtraLight | TrueType | Spectral-ExtraLight.ttf
Spectral ExtraLight Italic style Spectral ExtraLight Italic | TrueType | Spectral-ExtraLightItalic.ttf
Spectral Light style Spectral Light | TrueType | Spectral-Light.ttf
Spectral Light Italic style Spectral Light Italic | TrueType | Spectral-LightItalic.ttf
Spectral style Spectral | TrueType | Spectral-Regular.ttf
Spectral Italic style Spectral Italic | TrueType | Spectral-Italic.ttf
Spectral Medium style Spectral Medium | TrueType | Spectral-Medium.ttf
Spectral Medium Italic style Spectral Medium Italic | TrueType | Spectral-MediumItalic.ttf
Spectral SemiBold style Spectral SemiBold | TrueType | Spectral-SemiBold.ttf
Spectral SemiBold Italic style Spectral SemiBold Italic | TrueType | Spectral-SemiBoldItalic.ttf
Spectral Bold style Spectral Bold | TrueType | Spectral-Bold.ttf
Spectral Bold Italic style Spectral Bold Italic | TrueType | Spectral-BoldItalic.ttf
Spectral ExtraBold style Spectral ExtraBold | TrueType | Spectral-ExtraBold.ttf
Spectral ExtraBold Italic style Spectral ExtraBold Italic | TrueType | Spectral-ExtraBoldItalic.ttf

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